- This event has passed.
Notice to Voters-Annual Town Meeting
March 1, 2022 @ 10:00 am - 7:00 pm
Woodbury Town Hall
Tuesday, March 1, 2022
10:00 a.m. – 7:00 PM
There will be a Town Meeting on March 1. It will not involve a traditional open meeting but instead, will be similar to last year’s voting by printed ballots, using the Australian Ballot system. This was recently approved by the state legislature, for Town Meeting 2022. Ballots WILL NOT be mailed to all registered voters. Instead, voters will receive a postcard explaining that ballots can be mailed to you on request, picked up at the Town Office, or picked up and voted on, in person, at the Town Hall on Town Meeting Day. Ballot envelopes will include Town, Hazen, and OSUESD (Elementary School) ballots.
Town Reports will be mailed to each household early in February.
Ballots can be returned by mail, or left at the Town Office in the mail slot on the porch, or returned on March 1 at the Town Hall between 10 AM and 7 PM. All ballots will be opened and counted after the polls close at 7 PM.
There will be an open meeting on Saturday, February 26, 2022, at the school gym, for people who wish to discuss any items on the town warning – elections or budget articles – before casting their ballots. Masks will be required on school property. Seating will be arranged so that people or families can distance themselves from others. There should be enough room for social distancing.
It is possible that remote access (Zoom) will be available for people who want to listen in or ask questions without attending the open meeting. More information on this option will be provided before the meeting takes place. Watch for information on www.woodburyvt.org or call the Town Office closer to February 26.
The checklist will be posted by February 1, 2022. Make sure your name is on it. If your name is not on it, you should register to vote:
WHEN: Any time up to and including March 1, Town Meeting Day. Same-Day Voter Registration is now available in Vermont.
WHERE: Town Clerk’s Office, Route 14 in South Woodbury, M-Th 9-1 and Tues. 6-8 PM
OR ON-LINE – eligible voters can also register to vote through the Secretary of State’s Online Voter Registration System – www.olvr.sec.state.vt.us
If your name was dropped from the checklist in error or has not been added even though you submitted a timely application for addition to the checklist, you can fill out a new registration form.
If the clerk or Board of Civil Authority does not add your name, you can appeal the decision to a
superior court judge, who will settle the matter. Call the Secretary of State’s Office at 1-800-439-
VOTE (439-8683) for more information.
If you are a first-time voter who submitted your application to the checklist individually by mail and did not submit the required documentation, you must provide a current and valid photo identification, or a bank statement, utility bill, or government document that contains your name/current address.
If you have physical disabilities, are visually impaired, or can’t read, you may have assistance from any person of your choice. If any voters you know have disabilities let them know they can have assistance from any person of their choice.
If you know voters who cannot get from the car into the polling place let them know that ballot(s) may be brought to their car by two election officials.
If you are on the checklist, you will receive a postcard in the mail with instructions for requesting an absentee ballot. If you need assistance filling out the ballot, you can request help from a friend or relative, or ask for a visit from a Justice of the Peace. Ballots can be returned by mail, following the instructions in the ballot package, or in person at the town office (mail slot on the porch) or return them at the Town Hall on March 1, 2022, from 10 AM-7 PM.
If you have any questions, please call the Town Clerk at 802-456-7051.